New Use For Sunscreen

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The Vega has found a wasp, one of God’s cruelest creations. Didn’t have any wasp spray on hand but did find something close: spray on sunblock. I hate spray on sunblocks, they make me sticky and takes a millennium to wash off so I decided to use it on the winged abomination. I think the sunblock is as effective if not better than wasp spray, it only took 2 sprays to execute this thing, the first spray made the wasp drop from the air like a brick by disabling it’s ability to fly, choking it, and blinding it’s vision. The second spray suffocates it and finishes the job, as a bonus, it blew the wasp from the window sill onto a part of the wall and sticks the wasp to it.

Illustration for article titled New Use For Sunscreen

All ye bees and wasps be warned! Stay the f$@& outta my home!