Illustration for article titled K-Day HAWL

It’s K-Day! I wasn’t able to participate the previous 2 due to work schedule but this me I got a day off so I couldn’t pass it up.


About 22-24 people attended and only 16 cases. No $uper was found and out of the 16 cases only 5 regular TH, I got one of the 5.

Illustration for article titled K-Day HAWL
Illustration for article titled K-Day HAWL
Illustration for article titled K-Day HAWL

Bagged 2 Datsuns for myself and a Time Machine for my History professor because:

1. He’s a super cool professor (doesn’t make me want to jab my eyes out and hope for the sweet sensation only death can provide on lectures about Louis XIV).


2. He loves BTTF and Delorean in general.

3. His wife won’t let him get a Delorean and I feel kind of bad for him.

4. He drives a Toyota Prius which makes me feel even worse for him (poor soul) :’(


That was my HAWL for this final K-Day of this year, not too special but I still acquired what I want and that counts as a win.