Going on an Adventure! Pt. 1

Welcome to the first part of a very special post.

School’s out and final exams are done which means time to play! What better way to do it than going on a vacation, this time with the EDC Vega to tag along.

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This is the first time the EDC Vega has travel abroad and get to do some sight-seeing. Meanwhile, I’ll attempt to bring back a whole bunch of HAWLS since the last time I went back to my homeland of Taiwan, the HAWLS were meh. The Tomica cars and the Tomicarama I got a little over a year ago were awesome; the issue was I went way too conservative and spent way less money than I originally planned (spent less than 1/3 of my set budget). So this time I’m gonna try to do a bit better and with Tomica having an excellent line of cars this year, it’ll make my challenge a little easier. There’s a particularly special set of new Tomicas that I really stoked about which will mark the first time I purchase this specific Tomica line. If you know me, I have a special hatred towards a special kind of cars by diecast manufacturers such as HW and MBX which most of you share as well. Tomica is a bit guilty of this too but this time will be the first time ever that I’ll make an exception for the Japanese brand due to some realism behind them and quite surprised when I discover that Takara Tomy decided to do a 1/64(ish) version of these. I’ll have a set of clues as teasers to let you guys guess what they are before the reveal.


I’ll do follow-up posts to my adventure as I go. But for now, EDC Vega having fun at DIA.

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Illustration for article titled Going on an Adventure! Pt. 1

Vega: First time flying, so excited!

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