A Fast Ford

Illustration for article titled A Fast Ford

Finally, after months of seeing it on the internet and anticipating and waiting and reading review done by a few LaLDers and some more waiting to the point of wanting to bang my head on the wall. I finally found the stunning blue Ford Focus RS and at a rather unexpected location too. I found it at Kroger while on the hunt for a specific MBX for an individual on this site, and this Nitrous Blue ford was sitting on a single peg that holds HWs in the baby aisle since it’s where Kroger stock the small inventory of MBX they have. What is even stranger was after searching through the whole store, there were no signs of any other Focus or any cars from the M case for that matter, so what’s the story behind this Ford ending up at Kroger? Was it bought somewhere else like TRU and then someone retuned it with a different receipt or is it just me not looking hard enough throughout the store?

Illustration for article titled A Fast Ford
Illustration for article titled A Fast Ford

Either way, I got the elusive Focus RS and quite happy with it. Note that I said “quite” because, despite finally finding a car that I among many was excited to get, this car is somewhat of a letdown. The lack of taillight tampos didn’t bother me too much since it’s a common practice from the flame logo brand. The real elephant in the room for this cast are those headlight tampos, I mean what in the holy @&%#! What sort of person at the quality control station will look at those poorly applied headlights and say: “This looks perfect!”

Illustration for article titled A Fast Ford

I’ve expressed my frustration on lack of tampos or excessive tampos many times here, but this really takes the cake, it’s a sign that HW ran out of #%&@$ to give considering virtually every single one of this cast I’ve seen presented by fellow LaLDers all have this crooked headlight syndrome, something needs to be done. So allow me to present the first ever fully detailed Focus RS on LaLD

Illustration for article titled A Fast Ford
Illustration for article titled A Fast Ford
Illustration for article titled A Fast Ford
Sup bro!
Sup bro!
Hooligans or HOONIGANS? (feat. Drift Mode)
Hooligans or HOONIGANS? (feat. Drift Mode)
AWD Supremacy
AWD Supremacy
Meeting a Legend (Seriously how come no one has put these 2 together this whole time)
Meeting a Legend (Seriously how come no one has put these 2 together this whole time)

That’s all for now, thank you for putting up with my “slight” rage on this cast and please let me know what else you want to see me add to the ultra hot hatch. Opinion on painting the exhausts? Tutorial? ORAT pics? Comment away below.

Catch you guys next time.