Truckin' Tuesday: A Big Brute

Illustration for article titled Truckin Tuesday: A Big Brute

I know about a week ago the East coast got bombarded by a huge snowstorm and still dealing with the aftermath. Over here at Colorado however it’s like a very mild summer, high 70s for most of the week and boy am I glad.


Time to say goodbye to the snow and cold with a very special friend, meet the 800+hp Dodge military truck that went from hell and back with vengeance: Sgt. Rock.

Illustration for article titled Truckin Tuesday: A Big Brute

When I heard the news the GL was going to make this truck I was super stoked. I watched the episodes of Stacy David’s show of how this truck came to be and it’s got awesome written all over it. I got this from TRU so it’s not a hobby store exclusive which means it doesn’t come with the gun rack in the bed but that’s a niggle too minor to care.

Illustration for article titled Truckin Tuesday: A Big Brute

This thing is enormous, it dwarfed pretty much every car in my collection (then again, most of the cars in my collection are low to the ground exotics so it’s not to difficult to achieve). The detail on this is superb from the suspension and drivetrain detail underneath to the artwork on the tailgate in memory of those that sacrificed their lives for our freedom throughout the decades. Now it’s time to pummel some snow and nature, and I have to say these are without a doubt the messiest ORAT shots I’ve ever done to date.

Illustration for article titled Truckin Tuesday: A Big Brute
Illustration for article titled Truckin Tuesday: A Big Brute
I Told you it’s messy
I Told you it’s messy
A companion to play with, Judy can you keep up?
A companion to play with, Judy can you keep up?

Thanks for reading and see you in the next post.