GT40 Returns (name suggestion)

It’s been awhile since last update on my long-term custom project.

Illustration for article titled GT40 Returns (name suggestion)

Last time we left off at obtaining the massive off-road wheels to help this GT40 survive the apocalypse. But a lot of work is required to get those wheels to fit.

And so, a long process of filing begins. Pretty much from the fenders down had to be enlarged, the front fenders are gone and the rear fenders were trimmed slightly towards the bottom due to make flush with the trimmed side sills and the back bumper that were too close make fitting the bigger wheels impossible. The base had major modifications done as well, since the new wheels are not just taller but also wider, the wheel wells on the base were enlarged.


Finally, after hours of cutting and filing and countless refits of both the body and the axles, the car finally able to roll on it’s new wheels. The wheels doesn’t rub on any part of the body or base and stance looks aggressive.

With the tedious part of the whole project completed, its time to fit some a motor and interior. The motor in question may bring some deja vu to some because its the motor from my earlier failed GT40 project. The motor popped right in as it should since it now lives in pretty much an identical car.

Illustration for article titled GT40 Returns (name suggestion)

With the engine in place, next step is to create an interior. Since this car is all about survival, the car needs a roll cage to help it withstand the punishment when encountering attacks in the wasteland.


To do this, I got paperclips, superglue, and a pair of pliers to bend and cut them to size. For me the “measure twice, cut once” rule is changed to “measure as many times as you need, cut once.” The roll cage was pretty simple with the hardest part be the loop around the windshield since the GT40 have an odd design with bends in various directions and angles.

Illustration for article titled GT40 Returns (name suggestion)

Two and a quarter worth of paperclips later, the car looks like a crazy dune buggy. I’ve also added a rear brush guard with a slight bent to the left corner to portray a battle scar from the past.

Illustration for article titled GT40 Returns (name suggestion)
Illustration for article titled GT40 Returns (name suggestion)
Illustration for article titled GT40 Returns (name suggestion)

The end result is a very close fit once the body was put back on. I’m extremely proud of the roll cage work, I can probably add more to it such as door bars or even a partial exoskeleton. A dashboard with steering wheel (which was also salvaged from the previous dead GT40) was installed to complete the interior.

Illustration for article titled GT40 Returns (name suggestion)

Now it looks ready to go off-roading but were not yet finished, it still need to get some accessories installed which means getting more parts off of our donor truck that provided the off-road wheels.

One last thing, most Mad Max style cars have aggressive names like Interceptor, Gigahorse or War Rig. What should we name this Mad Max style GT40? Leave a reply on your ideas below and I’ll pick the best one out of them all.


That’s all for now, catch you guys next time. Cheers