Macca Monday

Illustration for article titled Macca Monday

Before I begin, I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting regularly here. I’m alive and well and made my presence known with replies. I just haven’t been posting my regular features. Work schedule, school, and the two storms that came through my area doesn’t help. There are loads of new diecasts coming that I can’t wait to show you guys. Some are still in the process of having their features written, some are in transit, and some are still on order with a few in-store purchases in between.


To kick things off here’s a special one, a trade I did with Sharpspeed awhile back. I loved his personal F1 LM custom so much that I asked him to make me one. It took the longest time figuring out the best wheel for it and I finally settled with the dark grey MBX 5 spokes and they look superb.

Unfortunately, it didn’t survive the shipping in one piece. The car got crushed somewhere along the way therefore takes great effort for the front wheels to roll. Since he assembled the car back together without any screws, rivets, or any adhesives; taking the car apart is easy with only moderate force of a single fingernail and I was able to sort out the front axle and make it roll freely again.


Before I put the car back together, I had a brainwave, why stop there? Why not continue to turn the initial setback into a comeback by making the beauty even better. 7 minutes later with my trusty Sharpie, here it is.

Illustration for article titled Macca Monday

Now with more details, including taillights and orange intake covers inside.

Illustration for article titled Macca Monday
Illustration for article titled Macca Monday


Illustration for article titled Macca Monday


Illustration for article titled Macca Monday

Huge thanks to Sharpspeed for making this custom for me. Another excellent F1 custom here on LaLD, I don’t think this will be the last F1 Macca custom here and I hope this trend won’t end.