HotWheels BMW M4 Liberated

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There seemed to be a bit of interest in the new HWs BMW M4 that I showed as part of my haul yesterday. So I cracked it - and at first glance, the model is an absolute joy. This is one model where the photos came easy, there is not a bad angle to this car and the details and shape are really well captured.

Illustration for article titled HotWheels BMW M4 Liberated

If it just wasn't for those casting flaws in the front wheels wells! What happened there? It is not just dired paint, this is solid metal and can't be removed. This is the only one I have seen so far and I hope that not all of them are inflicted in this manner. If I see a better one, I will certainly grab it quick smart.


It is really a shame as the rest of the model is so very nice. I can't find anything else to complain about. I love the colour and paint - evenly and properly applied. The tampos look good - as a matter of fact, I would give this one a 10/10 if it wasn't for those casting flaws.

Illustration for article titled HotWheels BMW M4 Liberated
Illustration for article titled HotWheels BMW M4 Liberated

I was a bit baffled by the choice of a plain blue for the paint job, but when I browsed the BMW publicity shots, I noticed that they had one car in this colour and one in gold. The gold simply looked sensational - I hope HWs will give us a model in this colour soon.


Also - note the detail on the roof - amazing for the price.

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All in all - a nearly perfect HotWheels model - the one flaw (if it is not just my model) should be easily rectified for the next release. Fix the front wheel arches and paint it in that gorgeous gold, and it'd be an 11/10.

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