French Friday: Non seulement une voiture, mais un Ami

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Ami is the French word for friend. With its 602 cc engine capacity fractionally above the limit for 2 CV designation, the Ami was nicknamed the 3CV, differentiating it from the long established 2CV.

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Citroën responded to a perceived market need for a vehicle slightly larger and less rustic than the 2CV. The Ami is a rebodied 2CV with certain mechanical upgrades (particularly a larger engine than the 1950s 2CV), to compensate for the added weight. At launch all the cars were powered by an air cooled 602 cc two-cylinder flat engine which would also be offered at extra cost in the 2CV from 1970.

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But the Ami was more than just a re-bodied 2CV - it introduced a world first to the motoring world (together with the German Ford Taunus P3). Up until then, headlights had been round. Always. As a matter of fact, non-round headlights remained illegal in the US up until 1975!

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This little (Atlas) Dinky promises “super-détail” on the box - and for its day, it wasn’t bad at all. The front opens to reveal the engine. The tyres have the “Dunlop” name on them, and the rear opens as well.

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And if you look closely, it even gives away the secret of Dinky’s suspension: Two transverse leaf springs. It also features the proper white steering wheel on the inside, a nice touch.

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Even the colour scheme is period correct - something that even today isn’t always the case.

Illustration for article titled French Friday: Non seulement une voiture, mais un Amiem/em

The Ami 6 was made from 1961 to 1969, when it was replaced by the similar Ami 8 - though that replaced the angled rear window with a more conventional fastback design. Production figures ran at over 100,000 units per year for most of its life - which made it a huge success for Citroen.