Took in two more strays today

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Went to Munich today to check out an exhibition I want to visit with my students, and then meet another opponaut for a chat. Had a few minutes to kill, so I went into one of Munich's oldest toy stores. Of course I couldn't leave empty handed. Again, both Sikus BTW.


The 300SL was a must have as it just perfectly complements the SLS. It suffers from the same enormous door pillar syndrome that I was complaining about with the SLS, but it's not that bad this time. And, again, Siku nailed the head and rear lights. It's finished in a much flatter silver which really fits such a classic vehicle. Nice wheels as well.

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The Wiesmann was another must have. With the company gone, this might have been the last chance to get a die cast of one of their cars this cheap, so I had to get it. The colour scheme is a bit eye-cancer inducing, but the lines are good. The windscreen is wobbly (How dare you Siku!!!!!!) and they could have done more around the back, but overall it's a nice representation of the real thing.

And for some weird reason, I saw a real Wiesmann in a colour scheme that was very close on my way home. I almost wanted to snap a pic for you, but I've sworn off trying to get pics of cars in moving traffic. The obvious safety reasons of course, and because I only ended up with shots of my headliner or the passenger footwell anyway.