Some N Case Fireworks from WMart and Red Editions

Evening thunderstorms here in northern MD may dampen July 4th fireworks tonight, but came across some explosive diecasts from the latest N Case at the local Walmart such as the Huayra Roadster, the Bluebird Wagon, and Mazda Repu; as well the only 2 Target Red Editions that I like. Sorry that the images aren’t upright :( 

Illustration for article titled Some N Case Fireworks from WMart and Red Editions
Illustration for article titled Some N Case Fireworks from WMart and Red Editions
Illustration for article titled Some N Case Fireworks from WMart and Red Editions
Illustration for article titled Some N Case Fireworks from WMart and Red Editions
Illustration for article titled Some N Case Fireworks from WMart and Red Editions