[Custom] HW Milestone Moments Ford GT-40

Illustration for article titled [Custom] HW Milestone Moments Ford GT-40

AKA, the Amon/McLaren 1966 Le Mans winner. Out of the box it had fantastic paint. Sadly it had meh-looking wheels and a plastic base. Which does not fit the car at all.

Illustration for article titled [Custom] HW Milestone Moments Ford GT-40
Illustration for article titled [Custom] HW Milestone Moments Ford GT-40

The rims and metal base are from the first GT-40 I modified, which in turn obtained its wheels from a HW Garage Custom ‘67 Mustang and base from a HW Classics GT-40. The plastic chassis from this car went to the HW Auto Milestones version I posted about earlier.

Illustration for article titled [Custom] HW Milestone Moments Ford GT-40

To mimic the stock #2, the base was painted and clear coated.

Illustration for article titled [Custom] HW Milestone Moments Ford GT-40

(The two black cars with their stock brethren).

Thanks for looking!