[Haul] It pays to be patient...

... and resist the urge to buy from scalpers. Some diligence and luck in browsing the stores help, too.

One store (Toy Kingdom) had a nice cat in store: the MBX F-Type, here with its older sister, the 2006 XK

Illustration for article titled [Haul] It pays to be patient...

Another store (TrU) had this HW Yellow Submarine, and...

This will not be DLM’d because of the lovely card art.
This will not be DLM’d because of the lovely card art.

... A few days ago, from the same TrU, a Ford Focus RS. It seems all Focuses had misplaced headlight tampos. Is this the case with your cars?

... Because I had to “Focus” on my studies.
... Because I had to “Focus” on my studies.

Have a good day, and may your diecast hunts be fruitful!