Weekly PHOTOGRAPHY review June 11th 2014

Hello everybody and welcome back to the second installment of the weekly Photography review where we take a look back at some of cool photos that make our beloved small scale cars seem larger than life.

This week there have been many great posts to feature but I wanted to start off with something that will be a regular feature in this review. EL_ULY's project that is the Traveling Torchbug and its epic journeys around the globe! MrThe Engineer has possession of this little gem and took it rock climbing with him after some shenanigans at work and with his Jeep. Just check out that landscape! I like all of you am looking forward to where this thing ends up next! Stay tuned as I will do my best to keep up with it.


Up next I am staying with a VW theme and have a post by Andrew P Collins about some vintage castings including a bug, bus and fastback in varying colors. Very cool shots of the cars at different focal lengths! I would sure love to have that bus!


Staying colorful I wanted to showcase a review by EL_ULY of his 1:18th scale NSX. This model looks very detailed and could almost pass for 1-1 scale at a glance in some of his shots! The NSX has always been a dream car of mine so it was a must read.


While not a review specifically Andrew P Collins decided to showcase his old Ferrari GTO that he credits being the inspiration for his first early words…..Ferrari…. I think my first word was lite so I am not as cool as he. The GTO in question is a French 1:56th scale Mjorette with a couple chips in the paint but wonderful none the less. The chips just add character!


Next I have two features by otaconmutasim each equally great. First is a review of a Tomica Mazda Axela Sport in a beautiful blue. Check it out! His second post is an extremely awesome look at 1958 Fujica Rangefinder camera!!! This thing looks brand new and while some would simply have it as a display piece I am sure he plans to use it! Color me jealous on this.


My next feature is from Jeff Simmons and his adventures with his son, some cars, and some apparently not very good track kits. Even though the track doesn't work very well it still made for some super sweet motion shots that the crash test dummies would cringe at!


Last week I featured a photo by TE71 of the superamazingturboman5000 Back to the Future Toyota that eventually came to belong to Marty McFly himself! The photo was so popular that it prompted him to do full feature of it which we appreciate. It is always worth another look!


Sticking with a movie theme we saw a post on Jalopnik of some Star Wars inspired diecast cars with some very cool renderings by phenotyp. Be sure to take a look.


As always, our daily photo contest on the Facebook page provides the goods as we see with these amazing shots. In the last few days it seems there have been themed requests which seems to be a big hit making the competition even more challenging! Here are the daily winners starting from June 4th


Wednesday 4th:

Xin with a silver Chevy Vega!

Illustration for article titled Weekly PHOTOGRAPHY review June 11th 2014

Thursday 5th:

Jeff with a green Mazda!

Illustration for article titled Weekly PHOTOGRAPHY review June 11th 2014

Friday 6th:

Chase Suzta with a drag truck!

Illustration for article titled Weekly PHOTOGRAPHY review June 11th 2014

Saturday 7th:

Phillip with a Beastly Buick Grand National!

Illustration for article titled Weekly PHOTOGRAPHY review June 11th 2014

Monday 9th:

Muhammad with a ducktail Porsche!

Illustration for article titled Weekly PHOTOGRAPHY review June 11th 2014

Tuesday 10th:

Xin with a few Japanese cars you may have heard of!

Illustration for article titled Weekly PHOTOGRAPHY review June 11th 2014

That wraps it up for this week. I am sure in the coming days we will see some very cool themes on the Facebook page so be sure to check it out! Keep up the fantastic shots!Last week