Weekly PHOTOGRAPHY review! July 31st

Well, I am a day late on this but better late than never. I have been crazy busy this last week and as a result some things got left behind. Now, without further explanation I bring you the photography review!

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This week I want to start off with a BANG and I feel I have accomplished that by showcasing a picture from Tony Szuta. This picture was his entry on the daily photo contest on our Facebook page as the theme was simply "RED." I think He nailed it! As always, I highly encourage checking the page out because there is always a constant steam of high quality shots!

Staying on the topic of the Facebook contest, here are the winners from the past week by day.


July 24th – theme = RED – winner = Tony Szuta with a group of lovely Ferraris (SEE ABOVE SHOT)

July 26th – theme = FIRE – winner = Philip with a flaming Wiesmann!

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July 30th – theme = hot hatches – winner = Jeff Simmons with a Peugeot Turbo crash car!

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Now, back to the blog side we go!

The first feature I have to showcase is with no surprise from saabstory and his last installment of his adventures with the Torchbug in Paris! There are many absolutely stunning shots in here so please check it out if you haven't already. My favorite would have to be this one:

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My next features are of some simple car photo-shoots.

First up is Enginerrrrrrrrr and his feature of a tough looking Charger with a blower through the hood. You can't handle the toughness!

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Also from Enginerrrrrrrrr is another purple redline called the Classis Nomad


TE71Xin showcases his 65 VW Fastback in a beautiful blue here. He has been showcasing a lot of cars from his recent HAWL so follow his links to see more of them.

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TE71Xin also puts on Mopar Monday every….(you guessed it)..MONDAY! I always look forward to his post as there are always great shots inside. Be sure to check it out.


Boxer_4 took a couple very creative outdoor shots with his 4th GEN Camaro diecast. I hope he takes some more and posts them up because these are really good.


Boxer_4 also shot his Subaru SVX after finishing a vinyl wrap with it. Very realistic shots!


My contribution comes from a couple custom Wagons I did. If you haven't seen them yet, click here.


New comer Jack Otto brought us some fun shots using Minis. Welcome sir and be sure to keep posting!


Now, to close out this review I want to showcase a picture from a friend of mine. He and his some were apparently doing some wheelin' in the backyard and he took a very cool picture of a Raptor out in the action!

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That is it for this week. Hopefully I can stay on schedule for next Wednesday. Wish me luck!


As always, last week here.