Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

It is Wednesday and another week has passed for all of us here on the blog. There have been hawls, customs, reviews, photos, trades, themes, wants, and much more! I am here to show you the PHOTOGRAPHY side of things. Come inside and check it out!

The picture below comes from XJDano: Chevy Metro driver and his attempts at photographing some of the cars from a recent hawl while his son is trying to commandeer them for some epic crashes and drives over all of the furniture. I love this pic as it seems to be a clash of worlds. The cars will be played with by his son but will also be enjoyed by Dano himself. WIN WIN. Here is his post.

Illustration for article titled Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

In what seems to be a theme this week, zeontestpilot shares his photography woes with us as he deals with his cat going Godzilla on the photoshoot! A cat doing what cats do best!


Some big news is the second blog wide PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST! This one is summer themed so bring your best shots and either tag them under a new post or put them in the comment section of the main contest post. The deadline is September 1st so there isn't a major rush but just be sure to enter!


In his final installment for the Traveling Torchbug, Denver (aka Mini Travis) takes the bug on a nice cruise with a couple friends in an old Buick Special. A very nice conclusion to the fantastic shots he has been bringing us. I can't wait to see where this bug makes it to!

Illustration for article titled Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

As usual, TE71Xin brings the goods with Mopar Monday and gives us a couple winged brethren being a Charger Daytona and a Plymouth Superbird both of the Johnny lightning variety. I love this shot:

Illustration for article titled Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

Off-roading our beloved diecast cars seems to be very popular at the moment with a bunch of ORAT posts. Jack Otto took his Datsun 620 out in the wild and came back with some very fun pics! Check them out!

Illustration for article titled Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

Edu petrolhead has been bringing us his picture of the day featuring a different car each time. Anything from Ford Mavericks to Treasure Hunt Mopars. Be sure to take a look! Thursday Friday Monday

Illustration for article titled Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

As always, otaconmutasim brings us some killer shots and this week is no different. His subjects this week were a Tomica Mitsuoka Orochi as well as a Honda RA302

Illustration for article titled Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

For my last blog feature I wanted to make sure everyone saw the post by Denver and his quest to get an art blog rolling. Be sure to take a look!


Ok, now we move the facebook side and the daily photo contest winners. Here they are by day:

August 7th - winner = Philip - theme = old and new!

Illustration for article titled Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

August 9th - winner = Jonathan - theme = OFF ROAD!

Illustration for article titled Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

August 11th - winner = Tony Szuta - theme = rivals!

Illustration for article titled Hello and welcome to....THE REVIEW! PHOTOGRAPHY that is! August 13

Great shots by all!

That is is for this week. Be sure to enter the photo contest!

As always, here is last week.