October 1st PHOTOGRAPHY review!!

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Another week, another review! There has been some really great content on the blog with some fantastic photo heavy posts. Let's get right to the meat and potatoes of it shall we!?


My lead photo this week comes from OG member Otaconmutasim and his review of the almighty NSX. You may have seen this post from Uly's review review but here it is again because the AMAZING detailed shots of this model. Great quality that shows in the pics. Check out his full post HERE in case you missed it twice!


Continuing with detailed pics, another post caught my eye with this shot below:

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That is NOT a real car. Could of had me fooled!!! This pic comes from navyeagleeye86 and his concours style post of a 1:18 VW Phaeton. Check out the other great shots HERE!


The next post I really enjoyed was from Enginerrrrrr and his shots of a clean HW Porsche Carerra GT. These pictures do the casting justice as it is very well done and the details are spot on. Just check out the mesh:

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His full post HERE!


In an EPIC return to the blog, Diecast Photography (aka Tony Szuta) brought us a couple custom builds that make the drool flow heavy. First up is his VW Kombie finished in a rusty, crusty, and busted up patina. Someday I will learn how to do this:

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Follow the link HERE to his post and then his link to his page where you will also find his mega awesome Datsun 510 Gulf Oil build. Too much awesome!


Probably my favorite post of the week came from TE71Xin and a great look at the ever popular NA Miata.

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This model comes from Tomica and is high on my wants list because it looks JUST like my real Miata. The photos are great so check it out HERE!


Also from TE71Xin are some great Mopar/Muscle Monday posts. How he has time to make these posts I will never know!!!

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His choice of Mopars is incredibly tasteful upping the bar this week with a 63' Max Wedge in red....all the drool! That post HERE!


His next post was for Muscle Monday and for the subject he chose a 69 GTO in gold.

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Dem widetracks.... Full post HERE!


Lastly for the blog, be sure to check SN210s post on an update for the LALD Instagram page. That post HERE!


Now we move onto the Facebook page with the daily contest winners. There was a gap in posts so I don't have as many as usual but here is what we have:

September 23rd - winner = Jonathan -theme = land yaghts

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September 24th - winner = Sean - theme = homologation

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September 25th - winner = Eddie - theme = Fast and Furious

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September 26th - winner = Lloyd - theme = Subaru

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And there you have it. A review of the greatest photo oriented posts from the past week! If there is anything I missed or any mistakes let me know. As always, last week HERE!