October 15th PHOTOPGRAPHY review!!

Illustration for article titled October 15th PHOTOPGRAPHY review!!

Are you talkin' to me?...ARE YOU TALKIN' TO MEEE?!?! BOOM!!

That is what the lead photo this week suggests if you rub this tank the wrong way. This tank comes from Matchbox and was featured in a post from Frosted for his own Foxtrot Alpha Friday! For some attitude and Prius destruction make sure you check out his post HERE!


This week there have been a great number of excellent posts to feature so it was a challenge to keep it limited to a select few so to speak. The post above was very fun and unique so it was an easy choice but the rest we will see.


To start out I want to remind everybody of the October Photography Contest and how there is still plenty of time left to get you shots in! If you are unfamiliar please be sure to check out the original post for rules.


In regards to the contest, we have another entry from Jeff Simmons with his up-to-no-good looking Fisker grinning from the shadows. A very excellent picture if I do say so myself!

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Next up was probably my favorite post from the week and it comes from none other than ULY with a review of a 1:18th scale F355 that goes on some off road endeavors. It is hard for my brain to comprehend the ensuing photos! Be sure to check out his post HERE!

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TE71Xin changed it up with a feature on some ever lovely Tomica Limited Vintage. The vehicle of choice is a Toyota Carina 1600 which was a popular Taxi base. Be sure to check out Xin's feature HERE along with his Mopar and Muscle Monday posts after!

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Illustration for article titled October 15th PHOTOPGRAPHY review!!
Illustration for article titled October 15th PHOTOPGRAPHY review!!

Frosted took some time and set up some very cool black and white shots. Be sure to take a look and let him know what you think HERE!

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To close out I wanted to share Matthew_AP's post about Brum. He has started production and so far it looks great! Be sure to take a look at what he has HERE!

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That is all for this week bloggers! Stay tuned as we near the contest deadline for more great shots!

As always, last week HERE!