November 12th PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW!! New member spotlight!!!!

Hello everybody and welcome to another installment of the Wednesday photography review! The blog has been busy lately with a ton of fantastic content from ton of people. One thing you have likely noticed is the large increase in new members on here and the exciting things they have been posting. I know I have noticed and I have actually geared this review to focus on what they have been posting. I really hope we can continue to look forward to some more posts by these guys! Enjoy!

Illustration for article titled November 12th PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW!! New member spotlight!!!!

This fabulous photo comes from John Mallinson in a post for French Friday. I think we all know what car this is and that this picture does the subject justice. A very well executed shot. I hope to see more from John.

Illustration for article titled November 12th PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW!! New member spotlight!!!!

The next post I very much enjoyed comes from Aya crowned by Toyota and is a mega fun drift session involving an RX7 and an AE86 around some kitchen obstacles? Be sure to check out his post HERE!

Illustration for article titled November 12th PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW!! New member spotlight!!!!

This shot comes from a custom post from aussie-AL about tampo removal but just simply spoke to me so I had to make sure it was seen! Very simple yet fantastic shots. Check his post out HERE!

Illustration for article titled November 12th PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW!! New member spotlight!!!!

In another awesome post from the aussie, he gives us a bunch of cars from the "why did these not sell like crazy?" Cool Classic series of cars. Your spectrafrost paint dreams await in his post HERE!

Illustration for article titled November 12th PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW!! New member spotlight!!!!

Next up is a post from Rocky Clock and is focused on some old skool Chryslers which I love! The original 300C cars were part of the original Muscle car DNA. HEMI power waits HERE!

Illustration for article titled November 12th PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW!! New member spotlight!!!!

In a post from member TotallyThatStupid, he focuses on some French-manufactured die-casts in a neat diorama. I am not sure if these pictures are his but they are cool for sure. Maybe he can chime in a let us know.

Illustration for article titled November 12th PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW!! New member spotlight!!!!

This shot comes from Menandz magz and is a very cool angle of a wild horse! I really feel that I should have on of these cars! His post HERE!

Illustration for article titled November 12th PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW!! New member spotlight!!!!

Lastly, I want to make sure to give another shout-out to VdubyaJohn and his winning shot for the October Photography Contest! Congrats sir!


As always, last week HERE!