Diorama Daydreaming

Am I Dreaming? Or Losing My Mind!?

Having too many Hot Wheels is NEVER a problem. Fact.

Having too much time on your hands is also never a problem.... truth be told it’s never the case either but that’s beside the point - moving on...


It’s when you have too much of both that things start to become a problem. Theoretically these two forces should join together in a harmonious chorus of childlike play and 1:64 scale awesomeness, yet the pictures I end up with seem to tell a slightly different story.

Once Upon a Time...

I tried to use a Q-Tip in place of a Flux Capacitor. And yet I knew I was at least 0.87 Giggawatts shy of the 1.21 required for interdimensional travel!?!

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Illustration for article titled Diorama Daydreaming
Illustration for article titled Diorama Daydreaming

And then I somehow managed to get the remaining 0.87 Giggawatts of power needed for interdimensional travel from a neighbours cat by rubbing it against a bag of lemons. Who’d have thought right?!?!

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Illustration for article titled Diorama Daydreaming
Illustration for article titled Diorama Daydreaming

I travelled forward in time by however long it took to do whatever it is I did (timetravel really messes with your memory and thought processing!) and witnessed first hand what may have been my death, and it was NOT what I expected.


Death By Monkey!

He came like a bat out of hell... if that bat had asthma and was the runt of the litter and had a gammy wing and one of those wandering eyes that always makes you feel uncomfortable like you’re not sure where to look... and hell was like a kids farm where they have lambs and shit, and I’m going off track aren’t I? I blame time travel.


Well Death did come riding in and although I tried to be fearful I found it difficult due to his ‘choice of chariot’

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He even showed off a little razzle dazzle and for a moment I was feeling OK about the whole situation

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But then things took a turn for the worse and to be honest I didn’t stick around long after that... one tends not to when Death is feeling irritated.

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It’s all fun and games until someone forgets they have a fuel tank the size of a coke can.

But what happened next was truly amazing!... oh no wait sorry, next I got hungry and decided to have some lunch. My bad.

Little did I know however that my innocent sandwich would start a small scale war!


Tuna, No Crust

You already know where this is going don’t you ;)

Well I didn’t when I ordered it and #NekMinnit I’ve got Dom breathing down my neck asking me what’s up with the Tuna?


‘What’s up with XXX bitch?” Ok so I didn’t say that. But I thought it - like heaps aye! I’m pretty tough (won my last fight by 120 metres or so) but luckily (for Dom obviously) we decided to settle it with a street race.

I let Brian drive because that’s how I roll and well, let’s just say we are all terribly grateful that there are no train tracks on my diorama shelf...

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Illustration for article titled Diorama Daydreaming
Illustration for article titled Diorama Daydreaming
Illustration for article titled Diorama Daydreaming
Illustration for article titled Diorama Daydreaming
Illustration for article titled Diorama Daydreaming

and then THE END