STARS & STRIPES dressed V8

Finally I found some time to take a few shots of this cool ride of Kyle Busch.  It`s the 2016 Toyota Camry, which Kyle drove at the 600 mile race at Charlotte on May 29th. The colours of the car were chosen in connection with the Memorial day. I really love the colours and the whole paint scheme itself. Hope you enjoy it as much as i do.

By the way: I am in contact with a german car-magazine and maybe i will get the chance to publish a review about NASCAR-diecasts ;-)

Illustration for article titled STARS  STRIPES dressed V8
Illustration for article titled STARS  STRIPES dressed V8
Illustration for article titled STARS  STRIPES dressed V8
Illustration for article titled STARS  STRIPES dressed V8
Illustration for article titled STARS  STRIPES dressed V8
Illustration for article titled STARS  STRIPES dressed V8
Illustration for article titled STARS  STRIPES dressed V8
Illustration for article titled STARS  STRIPES dressed V8
Illustration for article titled STARS  STRIPES dressed V8