Getaway car?

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Apparently I’m feeling a little warped tonight.

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But... what’s going on here?

Illustration for article titled Getaway car?
Illustration for article titled Getaway car?

I haven’t found any new diecasts in weeks, but I have made a few purchases at my local Japanese market. I always have to buy one of the mystery-boxed toys. (And the Hello Kitty soy sauce, and a few face masks...)


The details:

Ottomobile Audi Coupe Gt

CB2 mini house from a few years ago

Lounging female figure, a capsule toy from a trip to Japan a decade ago

Re-Ment mini furniture from Uwajimaya (I love this stuff! These items are so Scandi-modern, the mug a Marimekko knockoff, the teapot so mid-mod.)


Creepy boy figure from Uwajimaya

Bloodstain, nail polish dribbled on a thin sheet of plastic

And, of course, the Stig, however incomplete he may be...

But... where’s the instrument of violence in this scene? That, my friends, is a question your imaginations must answer...