Just In Time

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... for the second weekly customs review! I finally got around to clearcoating and closing up the Brumos Porsche 935!


I got this as a light blue-liveried Porsche 935 as a surprise from Frosted a while back. He threw it in along with the 911 Targa I traded for.

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This is one of the first customs I started working on, and, as such, my techniques were not yet where they are today, so the striping on the sides is not that fantastic, but overall I like how it came out. What I'm most happy is, are how well the decals turned out!

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What I'm least happy with is the set of stock Matchbox wheels. I haven't gotten around to swapping them out yet, but when I do, it'll be really easy to unscrew the base, and because of the "suspension," all I have to do is slide new axles under the little springboard inside and I'm done!

Illustration for article titled Just In Time
Illustration for article titled Just In Time