The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 8/26 - 9/2/2014

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 8/26 - 9/2/2014

Welcome to this special Tuesday edition of the Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review!


Because of the holiday yesterday I didn't spend any time in front of a desktop computer, and composing this review on a phone would be a pain in the ass. So unfortunately that meant having to wait a day to write up this review. But fortunately this gave newly crowned Master Customizer mycarneverruns87 enough time to finish this ridiculously awesome hellaflush Chevy Nomad with white wall stretched and cambered tires. STANCE YO!!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 8/26 - 9/2/2014

He already showed us the "in-progress" pics, and I'm glad MCNR went the stance route for this unique look. As our friend El_Uly would say, clickity-click the linkity-link above!


Personally, a little time off also helped me get off my own ass and finishe my brother-in-law's 1996 Civic, but it feels shy next to the Nomad.

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 8/26 - 9/2/2014

Klaus Schmoll took the (acetone) dip to paint some M3s and a Triumph, both look crazy-cool. I especially love the "wet look!" :D It actually took me a good while to notice that it was, in fact, actually water and not a super shiny surface. But, then again, you've fooled me before with this wood grain, Klaus!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 8/26 - 9/2/2014

Edu-petrolhead received not one, but two iHWEPs, the piece-de-resistance, of course, being Carnage717's surprise custom inside! A Bombeiros Lesney Matchbox fire chief car! Amazing!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 8/26 - 9/2/2014

Boxer_4 is making significant progress in his quest for the perfect WRX, and, as a benefit, he also got to wheel-swap this Fat Fendered '40. Excellent work!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 8/26 - 9/2/2014

And speaking of progress, here is that WRX so far.


Thanks for tuning in, kids! And I apologize again for the delay in getting this out to you. As always, keep customizing and asking questions! Any inspiration, feedback, comments, et cetera, please leave them below!

Last week!