The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 9/30 - 10/7/2014

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 9/30 - 10/7/2014

It's been a busy week for customs on LaLD, and I LOVE IT!! Great work as always, and this week there has definitely been a lot of it. So without further ado, here we go!


Also, today's post is brought to you by the side profile shot.

Diecast Photography (DPh) revealed part Zwei of his Rusty Kombi series, this time in blue! The paintjob is equally awesome and I am definitely loving the custom wheels and sunroof delete. Plus, your pictures just make it look amazing. I definitely need more of these!!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 9/30 - 10/7/2014

Speaking of Germans, our good friend from across the pond, Klaus Schmoll is back with a vengeance! He two-toned the crap out of this '83 Chevy, which looks great in black and red. And I love the technique of keeping the tampos underneath slightly visible.

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 9/30 - 10/7/2014

Klaus also wowed us with this trio of two seaters (I know the Z technically has a backseat, but honestly, would you want to sit there?): A BMW Z3 and Z8, and a Nissan 370Z. I'm just focussing on the Z8 here because, selfishly, it's my favorite of the three, and I LOVE the interior details, but check the link for plenty of photos of the other two!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 9/30 - 10/7/2014

Mycarneverruns87 (MCNR87) did a brilliant job with this Civic. It looks so much better in white than either the red or teal version, in my opinion. Plus, the B-pillar is actually black in the right place!!!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 9/30 - 10/7/2014

MCNR87's masterpiece, of course, is the ratrod he revealed last week. Holy body mods, batman!!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 9/30 - 10/7/2014

The details on the engine are sweeeeeet!

Finally, one of our newest members, and we're glad to have him, craig-oesterling, put his custom painted Porsche 993 and 934 on the table. Again, the interior details are GREAT! And fantastic choice of color, too! He also got featured on Lamley's As Is the Custom post last week, so hat's off to you, good sir! Please keep the customs coming.

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Die-Cast Customs Review - 9/30 - 10/7/2014

Finally, in the (apparently) recurring Youth Custom From Back in the Day award, RockyClock's custom painted Morgan! I suppose he also gets the Innovative Use of Materials award for his masking tape as hood strap idea.

It does not matter when you made a custom, it matters that you did it.

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Sadly no profile shot of this one.

Aaaaand it's reminder time. Remember that we have our First Annual Official LaLD Great October Customs Exposition at the end of the month. MCNR87 has already chosen a canvas, so it's up to the rest of you to do the same.


If you have any questions about the expo or about customizing in general, please comment below. Happy customizing!


Last week!