The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 10/28 - 11/05/2014

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 10/28 - 11/05/2014

It's FINALLY customs time! Being off from work messed up my weekly rhythm and I completely forgot to post the customs review, but here goes.


Edu-petrolhead started the week off right with a Mopar Monday Dodge Charger R/T with added details, proving that indeed, small touches enhance the realism greatly. I'm digging that matte black roof finish a lot!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 10/28 - 11/05/2014

ortoLANparty also joined the, um, party with a superbly finished Skyline R34. Is there anything better than the black and gold combo? PROVE IT!

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 10/28 - 11/05/2014

Menandz Mags has been particularly busy, adding details to a Ferrari 458 and 288 GTO, and showing off an in-progress Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR that so far looks amazing. Keep up the good work!

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Enginerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr has prepped several castings ready for some custom paint work, outlining his plans as well. Now get started on that painting!! I want to see that Shelby in particular.

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 10/28 - 11/05/2014

Of course last week was also the week of the LaLD-TOBER HALLOWEEN FALL CUSTOM EXPOSITION EXTRAVAGANZAAAAA, for which Mycarneverruns87 revealed a crazy cool Boneshaker. Engine swap: CHECK. Cropped body: CHECK. Exhaust swap: CHECK. Wheel swap: CHECK. Dude, I love your work.

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 10/28 - 11/05/2014

Finally, the Grounded to the Ground award goes to Frosted the Boxy Car Guy's snow plow with added spoiler! Hey, in slippery conditions, every bit of traction helps, right??

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 10/28 - 11/05/2014

That's it for this week! Keep customizing and having fun. And don't forget to tag your customs posts with "Custom" so I can feature them here!

Last week!