The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 12/11/2014

It's been a little bit since I've done a Customs Review, but it is about damn time!! I apologize for slacking on bringing you guys your weekly dose of customs goodness and inspiration, but I will do my best to pick up the pace again.

We have a TON of awesome stuff to show this week, starting, of course, with Diecast Photography's INSANE Kool Kombi of Death and Destruction! Go check it out and marvel at it.

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Up next is, honestly, one of the few old American cars I have a weakness for, the '64 Lincoln Continental. Shop S-mart has brought it back to it's only real acceptable color, black, instead of HW's interpretation of light blue.

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 12/11/2014

Now on to a pair of wingless wonders. Most of the time it's mean. But sometimes clipping wings is actually beneficial, and I'd argue that in the case of this Supra by mycarneverruns87 and this Mastretta by me, the later is definitely the case.

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 12/11/2014
Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 12/11/2014

Navyeagleeye86 is back in action!! Great job on this group of automobiles. I have never liked the orange/black tampos on the AE86, so this is a giant improvement, in my mind.

Illustration for article titled The Live and Let Diecast Customs Review - 12/11/2014

Found on the 'Gram

Finally, some instagram inspiration. This has to be one of the cleanest, best-looking Ferrari F40 models I've seen. This one tugs at my heartstrings because of it's sheer realism! @nic_bali is a must-follow on instagram if you need customs inspiration or just want to see some awesome custom painted cars. Go check him out!


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