Edit This: Jaaaaag XJ SC

I had a ton of fun yesterday and today seeing versions by some of you of my badly lit raw Dauer 962C image. This gave me the idea for a fun project: Edit This.

It works like all the Caption This images you see on Oppo and the internet in general, where you are presented with an image and asked to add a (humorous) caption. Instead, we will do it with editing an image.


Below is another shot from the same photo session as the Dauer, this time of a Majorette Deluxe Collection Jaguar XJ S, a cocaine fueled V12 convertible of excess. I got this car somewhere in my youth and played with it a LOT. I loved this car for it’s opening doors and excellent detail. Unfortunately the doorcards always fell out, but that was a minor inconvenience.

The task is simple. Take the image and do what you like with it. Turn it into a beautiful image, make humorous photoshop art... Have at it! Post your edits below!

Illustration for article titled Edit This: Jaaaaag XJ SC