And Today Was a Good Day

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First, my HWEP package from Sir CR-Z arrived containing the MBX 60th anniversary Porsche 911 GT3, and the MBX 1971 Porsche 914, both AMAZING cars, and I am actually debating not opening the GT3, that’s how good it looks. Which should really be all the more reason to crack her open, I suppose...

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Then I took my 6 year old son to the store to pick up some corn starch for some non-Newtonian fun, and no trip to Giant is complete without a stop in the toy aisle. And hanging there, two MBX Teslas! Needless to say, both are now at my house.


Later, I went to pick up food from Nando’s for dinner and had ten minutes to spare. Logically, that meant a trip to the other side of the mall to check on Target. And clearly Lady Luck was in my corner today, as I found the heritage Datsun 510 and two Custom Chevy vans that will both be donating their front axles to science. I mean... Future customs.

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Yeah, today was a good day for diecast.