K-Day Hawlage!

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My sons (7 months and 6.5 years) got to Kmart in Springfield, VA around 8:45 and were greeted by the lovely sight of 5(!) cases being wheeled toward the Kday spot. Usually this store gets one, maybe two cases, but I’ll take it!

Illustration for article titled K-Day Hawlage!

Best thing was, including me and my son old enough to be able to open boxes, there were 7 people total! Hooray for big box-to-person ratios! We both got to open 2 boxes and one of the first things I spotted was a Hudson Hornet. Halfway through announcing that I found at least a mainline, I notice the darker paint color and the nice shiny real riders! $uper Alert! The guy right across the table from me found one about a moment later.

Illustration for article titled K-Day Hawlage!

Below is my share of the hawl. My son picked a bunch more, including the very cool Batmobile and the Mario van. Definitely a good time!