Santa Came in Secret, and It Was Super.

Just wanted to say a HUUUUGE thank you to Frosted the Secret Super guy for being my Secret Super and seriously hooking me up. Above and beyond? This dude went there.


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1:24 Lotus Elise? Gorgeous.

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Porsche 959? You will be come a rally Porsche with netting instead of glass for windows.

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Hellcat? Hell yeah!

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And another Dodge! This SRT GTS-R looks so rad in silver.

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The one Cool Classics that I wanted to find but never could! Hooray!

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Super Twin Mill!! The best kind of Twin mill, if you ask me!

Illustration for article titled Santa Came in Secret, and It Was Super.

And last but not least, SPEED MACHINES!!! Gorgeous car. I’ll definitely have to DLM this 996 soon, but for now it’ll look nice and clean in its box.