New Years Resolution: Collecting Goals

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Traditionally around this time, people set goals and resolutions for the new year. Most of the time it’s about exercise and eating right, but mine will for this purpose focus on cars.


I’ve been back into diecast for roughly three years now, and my collection and hobbying have definitely exploded. I now have probably close to 300 HW/MBX in what I call my “permanent collection,” and have in the last three years definitely fallen victim to a few binge buys, where you go to the store and pickup cars more or less just to get something. That is the addiction part of this hobby for me.

There is of course always a fine balance between diecast cars falling under collecting and being an addiction, and thus my new years diecast resolution is to combat this, and focus on my collecting goals.


What are my 2016 collecting goals, you ask? For now will be scale-related. 2016 is the year of the 1:18. This does of course mean a serious case of quality over quantity, but I think it’s necessary. I have a 1:18 wishlist that is much longer than anything financially viable in a year, but I’ll see what I can do. I hope to start with something Italian and sporty, then something British and sporty, and we’ll go from there.

And in the mean time, I will still be picking up all the 356 Outlaws I can find in the wild!!


I already know TFritch’s goals are to Frenchify himself, so what are your goals for 2016?