Teutonic Tuesday: 2017 Porsche 911 RSR

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I really didn’t want to reveal this one just yet, but it’s quiet on this Teutonic Tuesday and I guess you guys already know I had custom hot wheels ADD and I have a billion projects running at the same time, so here is another one: the 2017 Porsche 911 RSR.


It’s only at the very beginning and started out as just a project to give the GT3 RS a nicer wing, but then the new 911 RSR was revealed and I knew I wanted to recreate that wide body.

So far I have cut out the rear portion that will house the GIANT diffuser and the exhaust, and I’ve glued in the guides that will get covered by the milliput. These are just to show how wide I am trying to go.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: 2017 Porsche 911 RSR

The wing has also already come off and I’ve put on some new wing struts. That I will now have to change because they were meant for the 911 GT3 RS... Lots more to do!