French Friday: Michel Vaillant Pushing His Vaillante Around La Sarthe

Just some night time shots of Mr. Vaillant in his 1961 Vaillante. I’m finally figuring out my lens flare app a little bit!

It’s still annoying that you can’t do multiple flares per image, but as a workaround I do one flare at a time and then save the image.

Illustration for article titled French Friday: Michel Vaillant Pushing His Vaillante Around La Sarthe
Illustration for article titled French Friday: Michel Vaillant Pushing His Vaillante Around La Sarthe
Illustration for article titled French Friday: Michel Vaillant Pushing His Vaillante Around La Sarthe

I did at least figure out I can do different colors, so now I can do tail lights! And then I couldn’t figure out if I wanted him to have yellow or white headlights, so we have one of each.


Finally, here is a daytime shot!

Illustration for article titled French Friday: Michel Vaillant Pushing His Vaillante Around La Sarthe

The model is a 1:43 made, I believe, by Altaya, and was sent to me by known Vaillant afficionado Jobjoris!