Orange You Glad It's Almost Friday?

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So is this Nissan Skyline 2000-GTR “Kenmeri.”

13 mentioned that he is getting tired of my incessant Porsche customs, so just for him here is a Kenmeri I just finished last weekend.

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I saw a photo somewhere of a rear spoiler-less Kenmeri and wanted to make a similar one, so I threw on some of the great new mainline steelies and got to shaving the spoiler. After I was done I tried some KRE Auto deep dish mesh wheels and they looked much better, so I went with that instead, and shaved off the front chin while I was at it!

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Then I ran into some paint issues, sadly, but it worked out much better the second time.

Looks great!
Looks great!

Then some details, and thar she blows!

Enjoy your Thursday, everyone!

Illustration for article titled Orange You Glad Its Almost Friday?
Illustration for article titled Orange You Glad Its Almost Friday?
Illustration for article titled Orange You Glad Its Almost Friday?
Illustration for article titled Orange You Glad Its Almost Friday?
Illustration for article titled Orange You Glad Its Almost Friday?
Illustration for article titled Orange You Glad Its Almost Friday?
Illustration for article titled Orange You Glad Its Almost Friday?
Illustration for article titled Orange You Glad Its Almost Friday?
Illustration for article titled Orange You Glad Its Almost Friday?