Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911

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I’ve already extolled the goodness that is the UT Porsche 993 series 911, so I won’t do it again. But if you’re a 911 fan, you would be remiss to not have at least one in your collection. For a long time though you wouldn’t have had much of a choice in that regard, but now finally AUTOart, Norev and GT Spirit have thrown their hats into the 993 ring, though the latter two are sealed. While choice is always good, having other makes on the scene has brought the prices of some of the UT’s down. With patience, you can score a Carrera RS like this one for $60. And now, photo dump time.

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Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Yep Another UT 993 911