Super Hawl

Illustration for article titled Super Hawl

I finally found the mbx exotic 5 pack. This is a great little pack. Every car is nicely done. The cobra is my least favorite so I’m sure it’s wheels will find a new home soon. Next up is my first 9 pack. What caught my eye was the 70 camaro casting that I haven’t seen. Add an M3 2002 and ctsv and I was sold.


Enough about the common stuff here are the stars of the show!

Illustration for article titled Super Hawl

Not one but 2 super treasure DMC Deloreans! The first one I found has a badly dented roof but I was still pumped to come across my first super. After I paid for my regular deloean and my super the casher kindly pointed to some pegs with more selection. As I was walking over I spotted it. Super number 2 and it was perfect! What are the odds? 2 supers in one day. The icing on the cake is they were on special 2 for $.94.

Keep hunting you just never know what you will find!