Carded Collection Saturday... let's go racing!

Gentleman (and ladies) I have a treat to share with you today. I'm missing my usually cars and coffee (and diecast hunting) this morning due to some mechanical issues on my 1:1 so I thought I'd pull out some of my favorite carded HW to share. Believe me, I'd love to liberate these bad boys for some proper photos, but I haven't the space or the proper displays to break them out just yet. My wife can only handle so much car themed decorating in a 500 sq ft studio :o)

My absolute favorite series in recent years from HW is their HW Vintage Racing, HW Racing Stockcars, HW Racing Muscle, and HW Racing Roadcars series. I love the casting details, I love the wheel combos, and I absolutely love the decals. Sadly, I'm missing quite a few of them and the Ebay prices are just ludicrous, so if anyone has duplicates and are willing to do some trading please comment below!


Here they are, broken down by series, listed in order by year. Enjoy!

HW Vintage Racing

Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!
Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!

HW Racing Stockcars

Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!
Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!
Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!
Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!
Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!
Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!

HW Racing Muscle

Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!
Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!

HW Racing Roadcars

Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!
Illustration for article titled Carded Collection Saturday... lets go racing!