Land of the Rising Sun-Day: Custom 510

Happy 510 Day!!! Quick and dirty custom. This is technically not my first custom, definitely not my best effort, but it’s the first times I’ve branched out from just using a sharpie to change the appearance. First off this one was a tough one to start as the tampo on every surface is huge, probably a better candidate for a respray. I used Q-tips and some non-acetone nail polish remover. In the past I’ve just used some brake solvent on a small paper towel. The nail polish remover makes everything tacky, I prefer the solvent since it evaporates faster, also the nail polish remover makes everything dull. In hind sight I wish I didn’t paint on the over fenders, I think it looked a lot better without but when I went to take them off on the passenger side I took off some of the paint with them, hence driver side only shots. I did think the front detail came out fairly well though. I’d like to start getting in to doing more customs, especially to fill the lull between HW shipments to my local stores. I bought some Q-tips, fine tip sharpies, drill bits, aluminum tubing, screws, super glue and an exacto blade. I have access to a glass bead cabinet at work so if I want to do some custom color changes it shouldn’t take me too long. Looking forward to developing some skills!

Illustration for article titled Land of the Rising Sun-Day: Custom 510
Illustration for article titled Land of the Rising Sun-Day: Custom 510