Rolling Along

So I’ve been on a quest in the last few weeks to gather Real Rider wheel sets for customs and simple wheel swaps. Some of you may squirm at this cannibalism, my apologies. It’s been a little easier financially then buying sets off of Ebay lately because actual cars have been nearly half off at various retailers.

It isn’t as easy as just grabbing a set of wheels off a car though, there are a few things to consider. First off, any car with RR is a financial commitment that is likely 3-6x greater then a mainline. Second, there is some serious time commitment to taking apart two cars and making custom axles and/or ride height adjustments. Lastly, what to do with that leftover shell and is it worth the time commitment to reassemble.


Anyway, I’ve blown my budget out of the water in last few months while on this quest but I have amassed a decent selection of wheel sets in some hopes for some cool premium cars of my own making.

Illustration for article titled Rolling Along