Hawls + Trade Bait

Sorry I’ve been MIA lately. Car week took a toll on me, that and I’ve been quite busy with 1:1 projects, not to mention a 2 month old. Good news is I’ve still been on the hunt for new diecasts to add to the collection with a focus on 1:64’s lately.

First off is a collection of hawls from Target, Walmart and a local toy store. I was stoked to finally find the HW 5 pack as well as some of the new releases. Also I was pleasantly surprised to find a MB M5 and Subi Police cars. The Real Riders are all up for trade except for the Silverado, still on the fence if I want to let that one go. The Skyline is a candidate for trade as well, looking for the white version if anyone has an extra. Also up for trade is one of the 180’s, I’ve been finding them everywhere lately, I’ve left 4 on the pegs but I figured some of you guys are still looking for one.


I’m really on the hunt for anything Speed Machine or Ferrari Racers right now but I do have other holes in my collection especially Match Box from pre-2012. Also, I really want both Skylines from the Red Line Heritage series, I can’t find them anywhere. Make me some offers!

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Not for trade and next up is an Ebay hawl that I’m especially proud of and don’t mind bragging about if I do say so myself. I got this whole lot for $35 shipped, yeah... $35. Sorry, the dup 333 SP is already promised to TFritch. Of course these are all getting DLM’d!

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