Friday Fabrication: Project 356 Update

I made some progress this week on my custom 1:18 project. Lots of measuring, trimming, fitting and brainstorming. Donor vehicles were disassembled. I ground away some metal above the inner fenders to make room for that all important stance on the 356 shell. I also finished up the last three custom wheels. I trimmed the wheel wells off the 356 base to make way for the 550 front suspension assembly. I ended up taking a few millimeters off the back hubs of all the wheels to fine tune the front and rear tracks. Luckily the Maisto 550 Spyder and the Collectibles 356 have similar reference points in spite of coming off of different production tables. Hint: a pair of tweezers make a great pickle fork to separate wheels from Maisto steering knuckles. It’s starting to take shape but far far far from being done.

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Illustration for article titled Friday Fabrication: Project 356 Update
Illustration for article titled Friday Fabrication: Project 356 Update
Illustration for article titled Friday Fabrication: Project 356 Update