Friday Mail Find

HWEP ALERT. My Kmart 510 finally showed up today, I was part of the crowd who had to wait for the second batch as Mattel didn’t anticipate the popularity of this mail in. Honestly, in all its JDM hype this one isn’t really my cup of tea, in fact most mail-ins are over graphic-ed if you ask me.

Before I DLM it anyhow (because it’s a chronic illness for me) I thought I would offer it up to you guys first who might appreciate it more in the package. Looking for the top shelf stuff to trade for, super treasure hunts, speed machines, rlc releases, pre-2012 retro entertainment, if it’s rare or premium realistic/licensed 1:64 I’ll consider it if I don’t already have it. I dont care if its in the packaging or not. I’ll even throw in the Kday matching poster as well!

Illustration for article titled Friday Mail Find