MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct '14)

Hello LaLD folks, it's that time of the week again when I inject your Monday with Mopar goodness. To new members of this community, welcome(!) and I hope you enjoy your stay here. What I normally do there in LaLD is to go overkill with pictures in my posts and putting in some words along the way. (lol)

Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)

This isn't the first time a '69 Charger has appeared in Mopar Monday, I'm not going deny that the 2nd gen Charger is one of my favorite muscle cars, and have gotten involved in trades to acquire more.

Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)

This Dodge Charger is released from the Hot Wheels Classics series which pre-dates the Cool Classics series. Instead of a frosted finish, the cars from the Classics series are finished in bright and shiny Spectraflame paint. Each casting came in a few different colors unlike the Cool Classics which only had one.

Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)

Though there other Mopars in the Cool Classics, this casting did not appear in that line. That's quite a pity, I thought it would look with the retro slot wheels - enough to make me another of the same casting.

Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)

So the Classics series will have to do to sate that appetite. This series also do a pretty good of job of allowing the details on the metal casting to show up rather than to be covered in thick paint in the basic series.

Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)

I'll end my commentary here and leave you with the rest of the pictures.

Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)
Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)
Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)
Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)
Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)
Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)
Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)
Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)
Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)
Illustration for article titled MoPar Monday - Pic Show! (26th Oct 14)

I hope you've enjoyed looking at this shiny Charger, be sure to...