Crack that Whip! - Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

The Texas Drive 'Em casting is the hotter one out of the Hot Wheels 2015 Pop Culture General Mills collection, it's a metal-on-metal Ford truck with two dirt bikes in the back; there's no time to hesitate when I saw it on the pegs. It gotta come home with me.

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You can't admire these wonderful cars behind the plastic prison, it had to be DLM'd. And here it stands proud, with Texas in its name, it must be free!

Illustration for article titled Crack that Whip! - Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Illustration for article titled Crack that Whip! - Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

Even Amuro Ray went cuckoo, seems like Newtypes aren't immune.