Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge

Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge
Illustration for article titled Thursday on the Thames: Turbo Wedge

I never tire of wedges in car design, and today’s wedge comes in the form of a Lotus Turbo Esprit. Compared to prior AUTOart models I have shown, this is the first from the marque to make its way into my hands. The price was acceptable and the details even more so. I became a convert and was thirsty for more models of such caliber. Thus, this model is irreplaceable even though it might not be the most precise or most beautiful.


What about you? Do you have any diecast models that opened your eyes or minds?