Land of the Rising Sun-day: Corolla (TE37) Levin coupé

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Illustration for article titled Land of the Rising Sun-day: Corolla (TE37) Levin coupé
Illustration for article titled Land of the Rising Sun-day: Corolla (TE37) Levin coupé
Illustration for article titled Land of the Rising Sun-day: Corolla (TE37) Levin coupé
Illustration for article titled Land of the Rising Sun-day: Corolla (TE37) Levin coupé
TE37 and TE71, guess which car I took my username from.
TE37 and TE71, guess which car I took my username from.

The third generation of the Corolla gave us this charming little Levin coupé during the mid-’70s. Hailing from the Tomica Limited line means giving special paint treatment and wheels to a regular model to give more details and presence for a nicer representation.

I think Tomica did a terrific job, it seems to have captured the same charm the real version has. Well, until a Limited Vintage version rolls out. Hope you guys like it, enjoy!