First real flea market HAWL!

Illustration for article titled First real flea market HAWL!
Illustration for article titled First real flea market HAWL!
Illustration for article titled First real flea market HAWL!
Illustration for article titled First real flea market HAWL!
Illustration for article titled First real flea market HAWL!
Illustration for article titled First real flea market HAWL!
Illustration for article titled First real flea market HAWL!

All of the carded cars were a buck each (the TH was $2, though, and the MB Prowler was 50 cents) and the loose ones were either 50 cents or a quarter. The redline Silhouette was 50 cents, and the spray-painted Monte Carlo Stocker (also a redline and worth about $50 if it was in proper condition) was 25 cents. I'm going to try to strip the spray paint without damaging the original paint or the redlines, but I doubt it'll work out. And I did not realize how blurry the lead photo was, but I already put all the cars away so I'm not gonna retake it.