Out Smarted

A couple of years back, I was on holiday in Italy, doing a two-centre trip to Rome and Sorrento - and everywhere I went, I kept seeing these:

Illustration for article titled Out Smarted

Those of you used to wide open highways might think these little guys are funny-lookin’, but in the tight confines of the medieval city streets in mainland Europe, the compact smart fourtwo coupe fits in pretty well.

Illustration for article titled Out Smarted

The design grew on me, especially after I saw some of the mad stunts the Smarts can do - wheelies, burnouts and stoppies with an overpowered engine beneath the hood. Case in point:

By the end of my trip to Italy, I’d become a fan, so I picked up this Maisto 1/33rd scale replica as a souvenir.

Illustration for article titled Out Smarted

I have a friend over in Montreal who also drives one of these - a black on black version he nicknamed “the ninja”. Last time I visited, we took it for a spin on the icy roads (with emphasis on the “spin”!)

And I reckon if it’s good enough for these two guys, its good enough for anyone...

This post brought to you by Carpenter Brut’s dark synthwave opus Trilogy.