Greenlight Go...

On my side of the big pond, releases from Greenlight usually only appear in stock with specialist collector vendors, and then for top dollar - so imagine my surprise to see a whole bunch of these appear from out of nowhere in my local discount store...

Illustration for article titled Greenlight Go...

This is “Eleanor”, the custom 1967 Ford Mustang from the remake of Gone in 60 Seconds , a 1/64 Lootcrate exclusive in a window box.

Illustration for article titled Greenlight Go...
Illustration for article titled Greenlight Go...
Illustration for article titled Greenlight Go...

Detail on this is really sweet, with the opening hood, rubber tires and other decos; I didn’t realize until I was cropping the pictures that there’s a tiny “Gone in 60 Seconds” logo on the fender.

Illustration for article titled Greenlight Go...

I’m sorely tempted to go back and buy them all up for trade bait...